Sunday, 11 October 2015

Week 7...I think

After a bout of norovirus, a chest infection and just general spinal injury crapness I'm back.

Mr ATL and I are well into the swing of our month at £100 or less, having saved £ from last month's budget. Presently we're cooking in two week cycles meaning 2 weeks of 4 we're only buying milk, peanut butter and eggs (for Mr ATL's breakfast shakes).

This week was the proper shop week meaning our shopping included:

  Week 2
Basics Peanut Butter  0.65
Basics Pasta x2 0.7
Basics Eggs  1.25
Whole Milk 6pts 1.48
Basics 4kg Potatoes 1.9
Basics Cooking Bacon 1.15
Basics Chicken 2.5kg 4
Basics Carrots 0.75
Basics Mushrooms 0.85
Basics Courgettes 1.75
Basics Onions 0.9
Basics Aubergine 1.3
Basics Kidney Beans 0.6
Pumpkin 3
Sweet Potatoes 1.5
Basics Stock cubes 0.3
I'd already planned the meals we were having and with that in mind we have 61 meals in total of the following mixes:
  1. Roast chicken with roast potatoes and veg
  2. Fajita chicken
  3. Veggie curry
  4. Veggie chilli
  5. Pumpkin soup
  6. Tasty extra: Roasted pumpkin seeds.
 Mr ATL is very much responsible for the knolling in the second picture as he clearly has far too much time on his hands.
Only problem we currently have is a massive lack of freezer space - so the overage for the next couple of months may have to go towards a new chest freezer to store these. In an ideal world I would like to do the majority of a half term's worth of meals in one hit (although that would be anywhere up to 224 depending on the half term)